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I help women live a joy-filled life, attract abundance, and fully embody the relationships they've always desired.

Meet Sandy

"Once my yearning for depth and my soul’s truth was awakened, there was no turning back.  I unraveled the mystery of men and women,
and dove into the pleasure of being
fully seen, heard, and ignited. 

Making my test my testimony and my mess my message has been my biggest gift and ally.

I unapologetically teach from this vulnerable human space of healing which evokes trust from others seeking help, healing, and growth."

- Sandy Sembler

More about Sandy

Feeling vulnerable but ready to share?

I honor your commitment to growth and expansion.

I've got you.

Schedule a Discovery Call

"Upon our initial intake, it was as if Sandy could see inside my soul. Her coaching helped me see how my childhood patterns were
causing me to reenact my past over and over.
I am thrilled to say through her innovative and progressive techniques,
I healed more in my 6 months of working with her than I did in my 5 years of traditional counseling. I am happily married and expecting twins
with my husband of 1.5 years!"

Hailey R.
New York, NY

"Going on the adventure with Sandy of my self-discovery has been a wild ride. My business has flourished, and my family life is richer than ever after 21 years of partnership. I love being a fierce, feminine, and a juicy goddess!"

Denise R.
Los Angeles, CA

"After being told I was too much all my life by family, bosses, and my ex-husband, I decided to take the plunge upon my assistants urging, and sought Sandy’s program about healing the toxic masculine and feminine. The internal conflict I had with men slowly dissipated and after abstaining from dating under her guidance while I did the inner work, I am happy to say I am using her “dating intentionally” process to manifest my next forever man.
Sandy, you will come to my wedding, right?"

Donna R.
St. Petersburg, FL

Curious for More?

See our recent appearances on Bloom Health & Wellness with Gayle Guyardo.







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